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Zazarstudios's Reviews • GamerGoal


September 9, 2019 04:50 pm

Blair Witch is a game with a few good ideas marred by subpar execution. The story offers a lot of ideas, but it hardly ever develops any of them. Instead of developing the story, the player gets flashes of random scenes that by the end of the game feel like utter waste. Perhaps, the best part of the game is your companion, Bullet. He offers a few unique gameplay mechanics unseen before in horror games. There are many instances where he glitches or where he feels useless unless the game wants him to be useful, but he's still a positive addition to this game. Unfortunately, the last act of the game completely ditches him and does his character injustice by giving him a small scene where he subtly appears at the end. Another cool aspect was the camera and the red tapes. Of course, it was very one dimensional, but it was still cool finding these creepy tapes that could also alter reality around you.

That last act though. It was absolutely horrendous. If you think getting lost in woods and walking in circles is bad, just wait until you are walking around a house for what feels like hours. The house goes through multiple changes, but it all feels incredibly pointless by the end. Bullet's not there to make things interesting either. Instead, you frustratingly walking through a house filled with horror cliches and annoyances. The game has multiple endings too, but don't worry about them; they're not worth playing through the game again.

Overall, Blair Witch is not good. It has a few good concepts, but the overall quality of the game is just drab.

October 12, 2019 05:28 pm

Gears 5 is a surprisingly good take on a series that seemed like it had fallen from grace with the general public. To be fair, I never liked any of the Gears of War games up until this point, but there's something special going on in this game. The campaign is a lot of fun, giving the players a semi-open world to explore with just enough variety in enemy types and locations to keep it fresh. There are plenty of reasons to explore the open canvases too, such as finding upgrade modules for your robotic companion, Jack, or acquiring rare, special weapons. The best part about Gears 5, however, is its visual representation. From icy canvases, to sandy wastelands, and even war torn cities, there's plenty of aesthetics to enjoy. Part of what helps is the game's fantastic color palette, making everything feel alive and colorful, but not so much so that it feels cartoony. It calls back to the days of Halo 3, where it could have both realism and color simultaneously, and it worked perfectly. The story itself is okay, but without knowing much about the previous games, I certainly wasn't up to date. Thankfully, it does catch you up at the start, but I never cared all that much about the main plot. The characters, however, were plenty of fun. I especially enjoyed riding through snow lands and listening to Kate and her comrade explore their relationship. In terms of combat, it's fine. It's a Gears game, so you will have to take that as you will. I found it satisfying to land head shots or rip enemies open with chainsaws, but it's nothing particularly new. What helps the combat out is the well designed levels that enforce strategic and interesting gameplay.

There's also multiplayer here, and it's not too shabby. It has a more tactical approach, where you find yourself hiding in cover while enemies shoot at you, forcing you to think how you can get out of the perilous situation. The maps are also a lot of fun in the sense that many of them have unique elements. One of them has a laser going down a hallway that instantly kills you if you touch it, and another has a frozen river that you can shoot to make enemies fall into it. It's things like this that give the maps personality, even if the basic structure of the levels feel forgettable. Horde mode isn't really anything special here, and I don't see myself returning much for the multiplayer itself, but I am definitely ready to tackle harder difficulties on the campaign, but maybe it will be with a friend this time around.

November 4, 2019 08:25 pm

Unlike Fallout, The Outer Worlds brims with so much potential; however, also unlike its titanic peer, it's a game that feels like it's in its infant stage. That's not to say it's not a good game. In fact, it's a really good game. It's maybe even great, but it's easy to tell that this is a new IP and somewhat of a comeback for Obsidian rather than a reaffirmation of their ability to create the best RPGs on the market. The game stars you as a unplanned variable being woken up by a supposed terrorist. From there, you begin to make choices that will affect the world around you, and you are giving the choice to join the "terrorist" in taking down the corporation or joining the corporation.

It's no surprise, then, that the best thing about The Outer Worlds is many of its RPG elements. The choices and dialogue options are astounding and filled with so much character. Generally speaking, The Outer Worlds is a pretty satirical title, but it can be serious too. A lot of that depends on how you want to play, and it feels like there are many different ways to represent your character baed on the dialogue options available. Many of the choices you make have real consequences as well and can affect your standing with certain factions. While these counters are more visual than anything else, they still make you feel like you are making an impact on the world. More so, a lot of these choices might also affect the way the end game plays out.

There's a lot of great characters too, but none of them really appear to be the ones closest to you. The companions are all pretty bland, but the characters you encounter in the world such as Sanjar or that one Winking guy are brimming with personality. These characters added a lot to the world of the game, and they made me want to continue exploring it.

The combat is another solid effort here. I liked most of the weapons, though I wish there were more, and I found it a blast to strategically take down enemies ahead of me. There's so many ways to handle conflict. I can sneak, gun in like a brute, use swords, hammers, heavy guns, rifles, or I can talk my way out of it. On my first runthrough, I killed almost everything that crossed me, and the gunplay is surprisingly smooth. It feels satisfying to kill enemies, which isn't something I could say for the Fallout games.

The game shows it weakness in the details. At first, the game seems to become more and more interesting, but it starts to decline at a certain point. Eventually, you will notice things such as towns not having distinct characters with their own personal homes. Most people you see in towns or establishments are labeled something generic like "City worker". It took me out of the experience some and didn't make the worlds feel like they were actually lived in. While I appreciated the art in the game, I began to realize that many of the environments felt a bit lifeless and lacking in variety. It would have been great to see more creatures and unique plants inhabiting each planet, but it often feels like you are running across open canvases with handpicked locations for outlaws or creatures. What's worse is that the planets don't even seem to have unique creatures! You will find a lot of the same creatures on different planets, which just feels lacking or even lazy. For a game called The Outer Worlds, none of the creatures really seem like they are out of any world. This lack of variety causes the game to feel a bit stale by the time you are hitting the end, but it doesn't destroy the overall enjoyment.

Overall, The Outer Worlds is a great start for a new franchise, and I can't wait to see where Obsidian goes with it. There's so much potential here, but it needs to be harnessed by being given more detail and interesting environments. Certainly, I think this franchise can be better than Fallout, but it has yet to be a game outdoes it in every aspect. Still, it's a game that's certainly worth your time, and I highly recommend it.

June 14, 2019 11:05 am

Spyro Reignited Trilogy is the way remasters should be done. It includes all three classic games remade from scratch while still containing the same level design that made the originals so memorable. Also, the game launched with three beautiful remakes for the low price of $40. It's a deal like no other.

The biggest issues with this package come form the achievements. Some of the achievements are either too easy or feel unrewarding. For example, it's awesome getting the 100% achievements in the first two games, yet the third game has no such achievements! I went through that horrendous yeti race for no reward!

June 13, 2019 02:21 pm

Resident Evil 2 is the greatest remake of a game period. The achievements are tough as nails to get, but they are also a ton of fun and very rewarding. It's not overly difficult to 100%, but it's just difficult enough to feel rewarding. The worst thing about this game is the extra DLC. Unfortunately, they are just copies of the shitty 4th Survivor mode, and it adds more achievements exclusive to those hideous modes! Sad times for achievement hunters.



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