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Easter Egg (Hibana quote Thermite) • GamerGoal

Easter Egg • Hibana quote Thermite

By Blinkix

When Hibana detonates her gadget, there is a chance she may say: "as my friend would say; time to make a new door", "As my friend would say; time to ring some ears" etc.

This is a reference to Thermites quotes when using his breaching charge.


Floating Body of Hacienda

By Insta

Upon playing the Hacienda multiplayer map, head towards the water side of the map. Upon jumping into the water, head towards the orange buoys (while underwater) and you will spot a body that has been wrapped up, floating by a chain and brick.

Blightfather Boss In Blackout

By Insta

You read that right, the infamous Blightfather Boss has made its way into Blackout. You can find this Easter Egg by heading to the graveyard that isn't too far from the Asylum. The Boss won't appear every time, but when the bright blue beam has turned red, it will mean that the Blightfather is currently lurking the grave yard for his next victim.

The Real Chicken Dinner

By Adecool

The phrase, 'Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner,' has become synonymous with PUBG since the game first achieved widespread popular. It seems that, with the launch of the Miramar map, the developers decided to give players some idea of where all those chicken dinners might actually be coming from. If players travel southwest from the Oasis for around 200 meters, they will find a smallish structure. Inside appears to be a storage area of some sort, where cardboard boxes are kept packed in metal frames. Written on the side of each box are the words; 'Perishable. Chkn Dnr.'

Minecraft Easter Egg

By oldGrumpyGamers

After Chapter 9, Go to Sanctuary Hole and jump off a cliff then and go to Caustic Caverns run northwest till you reach the Gurdian Ruins and go to the Minecarts and turn right, jump over the rectagular rocks and turn left. and yyou will find Minecraft Dirt, break though those and you will find Minecraft stone, cobblestone and coal. Break though those an there will be Creepers and blocks of gold, diamond, irridium and other surprises. Once you kill the badass creeper (yes thats really his name) you will get minecraft skins such as Steve Head and Steaves Cloths.