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Unlockable (Plague Knight (Goldforged) and Skyforged skin) • GamerGoal

Unlockable • Plague Knight (Goldforged) and Skyforged skin

By Adecool

Reach Level 5 with Caspian (Crossover)


Specter Knight (Goldforged) and Skyforged skin

By Adecool

Reach Level 5 with Nix (Crossover)

Koji (Goldforged) and Skyforged skin

By Adecool

Reach Level 5 with Koji

White Jammies

By Adecool

Pick up the Poogie and bring it to the tradeyard, by the fossil in the corner by the Smart Biologist

Nilfgaard Gwent cards

By Xadeon123

Letho Of Gulet: Purchase for 50 Crowns from the Boatbuilder in Oreton in Velen. Menno Coehoorn: . Purchase for 50 Crowns from the Innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads in Velen. Morvran Voorhis: Purchase for 50 Crowns from Marquise Serenity in Passiflora in Novigrad. Tibor Eggebracht: Purchase for 50 Crowns from Olivier at Kingfisher Inn in Novigrad. Albrich: Purchase for 10 Crowns from a trader in Crow's Perch in Velen. Albrich: Purchase for 10 Crowns from a trader in Crow's Perch in Velen. Assire Var Anahid: Acquired during the prologue. Cynthia: Purchase for 10 Crowns from Quartermaster's Baron's Store in Crow's Perch in Velen. Fringilla Vigo: Purchase for 20 Crowns from Caesar Bilzen's home while on a quest in Novigrad. Morteisen: Purchase for 10 Crowns from the Shopkeeper at Midcopse, Spitfire Bluff in Velen. Rainfarn:Purchase for 10 Crowns from a trader at Midcopse in Spitfire Bluff in Velen. Renuald aep Matsen: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant. Rotten Mangonel: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant. Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant. Stefan Skellen: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant. Sweers:Purchase for 10 Crowns from a trader in Claywich Village, The Mire in Velen. Vanhemar: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant. Vattier de Rideaux: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant. Vreemde: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant. Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant. Puttkammer:Purchase for 10 Crowns from a trader in Claywich Village, The Mire in Velen. Archer Support:Purchase for 50 Crowns from a trader at Midcopse in Spitfire Bluff in Velen. Archer Support: Purchase for 50 Crowns from a trader in Claywich Village, The Mire in Velen.