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Unlockable (Cassidy (Goldforged) and Skyforged skin) • GamerGoal

Unlockable • Cassidy (Goldforged) and Skyforged skin

By Adecool

Reach Level 5 with Cassidy


More Nilfgaard cards

By Xadeon123

Black Infantry Archer: Purchase for 50 Crowns from a trader in Claywich Village, The Mire in Velen. Siege Support: Purchase for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at The Golden Sturgeon in Novigrad. Black Infantry Archer: Purchase for 50 Crowns from a trader at Midcopse in Spitfire Bluff in Velen. Heavy Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion: Purchase for 50 Crowns from a trader at Midcopse in Spitfire Bluff in Velen. Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion: Purchase for 50 Crowns from a trader in Crow's Perch in Velen. Impera Brigade: Purchase for 20 Crowns from a trader in Crow's Perch in Velen. Impera Brigade: Purchase for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads in Velen. Impera Brigade: Purchase for 20 Crowns from a trader at the Seven Cats Inn in Novigrad. Impera Brigade: Purchase for 50 Crowns from the Innkeeper at Cunny of the Goose in Novigrad. Nausicaa Cavalry Brigade: Purchase for 20 Crowns from Quartermaster's Baron's Store in Crow's Perch in Velen. Nausicaa Cavalry Brigade: Purchase for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads in Velen. Nausicaa Cavalry Brigade: Purchase for 20 Crowns from a trader in Crow's Perch in Velen. Combat Engineer: Purchase for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads in Velen. Young Emissary: Purchase for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at the Cunny of the Goose in Novigrad. Young Emissary: Purchase for 50 Crowns from a trader at the Seven Cat's Inn in Novigrad.

Cross (Goldforged) and Skyforged skin

By Adecool

Reach Level 5 with Cross

Borderlands 1 Skin

By oldGrumpyGamers

If you have a save file for Borderlands 1 while playing Borderlands 2 you'll unlock characters skin from the previous game.

Orion (Goldforged) and Skyforged skin

By Adecool

Reach Level 5 with Orion