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Unlockable (Classic costumes) • GamerGoal

Unlockable • Classic costumes

Alternative - Complete Story for Leon and/or Claire

Normal custom - Complete Story for Leon and/or Claire

Arklay sheriff - Extra DLC Pack

Military - Extra DLC Pack

Elza walker -Extra DLC Pack

Noir - Extra DLC Pack

Classic 98 - Special PS Store Card


Ulgrim (Goldforged) and Skyforged skin

By Adecool

Reach Level 5 with Ulgrim

Poogie Costumes

By Adecool

A Poogie can be found on the bottom floor (Tradeyard) in Astera. After each quest, visit the Poogie and successfully pet it when it gets an exclamation mark over it's head (you only need to do this once per quest). After a certain amount of quests, the Poogie will get really ecstatic when you pet it and jump really high. This will now allow the Poogie to find new costumes and items for you. Note that may still need to do one more quest after getting the Poogie to be this way. Pick up the Poogie and bring it to the designated locations (your controller will vibrate when at the correct location) and put it down for it to dig up an item. Then take the item it dug up to permanently unlock the costume. You need to do a quest each time to get another item.

Isaiah (Goldforged) and Skyforged skin

By Adecool

Reach Level 5 with Isaiah

Zombies Characters

By Xadeon123

Shadow Man - Unlocked with Blackout Pass Dempsey - Obtain the Juggernog Bottle mission item (acquired inside the Nuketown Bunk, Mystery Boxes, or the Blightfather Special Event) AND kill an enemy with any grenade AND finish the match with the Juggernog Bottle in your inventory. Nikolai - Obtain the Russian Tanker Hat mission item (acquired inside the Graveyard by throwing a cymbal monkey at the locked mausoleum door) AND place in the Top 3 Squads, Top 5 Duos, or Top 10 Solos with the Russian Tanker Hat in your inventory. Richtofen - Play as either Dempsey, Nikolai, or Takeo and have either Nikolai's Russian Tanker Hat, Dempsey's Juggernog Bottle, or Takeo's Letter to the Emperor mission item in your inventory AND place in the Top 2 Squads, Top 3 Duos, or Top 5 Solos with the Blood Vial in your inventory (to obtain the Blood Vial item, interact with the Blood Fountain in the Asylum with either the Russian Tanker Hat or Letter to the Emperor item in your inventory) . Takeo - Obtain the Letter to the Emperor mission item. This can be acquired by interacting with the Typewriter/Blightfather Event in either the Lighthouse, Asylum, or Boxing Gym AND don't use any equipment during the match such as Grenades, Barricades, or Sensor Darts AND place in the Top 3 Squads, Top 8 Duos, or Top 15 Solos with the Letter to the Emperor in your inventory. Bruno - Obtain the Mug Shot mission item (acquired from Supply Drops or the Blightfather Special Event) AND Down and enemy with a melee attack AND Finish the match with the Mug Shot in your inventory. Diego - Obtain the Pulp Magazine mission item (acquired by killing zombies or the Blightfather Special Event) AND Down 1 enemy with a headshot AND Finish the match with the Pulp Magazine in your inventory. Scarlett - Obtain the Racing Goggles & Scarf mission item (acquired by killing Zombies or the Blightfather Special Event) AND Kill an enemy with a vehicle AND Finish the match with the Racing Goggles & Scarf in