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Days Gone Unlockable (Recipes) • GamerGoal

Days Gone Unlockable • Recipes

By Adecool

Health Cocktail: Unlocked after completing 52% of the ‘It’s All We’ve Got’ Storyline.

Attractor: Unlocked after completing 46% of the ‘We’ve All Done Things’ Storyline.

Spiked Bat: Unlocked after completing 7% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline.

Stamina Cocktail: Unlocked after completing 14% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline.

Focus Cocktail: Unlocked after completing 21% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline.

Baseball Bat Axe: Unlocked after completing 29% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline.

Focus Cocktail: Unlocked after completing 36% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline.

Superior Club: Unlocked after completing 43% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline.

Proximity Bomb: Unlocked after completing 50% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline.

Incendiary Bolt: Unlocked after completing 57% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline.

Attractor Bomb: Unlocked after completing 71% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline.

Explosive Bolt: Unlocked after completing 86% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline.



By Adecool

Health Cocktail: Unlocked after completing 52% of the ‘It’s All We’ve Got’ Storyline. Attractor: Unlocked after completing 46% of the ‘We’ve All Done Things’ Storyline. Spiked Bat: Unlocked after completing 7% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline. Stamina Cocktail: Unlocked after completing 14% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline. Focus Cocktail: Unlocked after completing 21% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline. Baseball Bat Axe: Unlocked after completing 29% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline. Focus Cocktail: Unlocked after completing 36% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline. Superior Club: Unlocked after completing 43% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline. Proximity Bomb: Unlocked after completing 50% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline. Incendiary Bolt: Unlocked after completing 57% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline. Attractor Bomb: Unlocked after completing 71% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline. Explosive Bolt: Unlocked after completing 86% of the ‘Ambush Camp Hunter’ Storyline.

Bonus Weapons

By Adecool

Boozer’s Shotgun: Unlocked after completing the "He’s My Brother" Storyline. The Sheriff Revolver: Unlocked after completing the "We’ve All Done Things" Storyline. SSR Sniper Rifle: Unlocked after completing the "Keep Your Friends Close" Storyline. The Mayor Shotgun Revolver: Unlocked after completing the "Law and Disorder" Storyline. Rock Chuck Silenced Assault Rifle: Unlocked after completing the "Marauder Camp Hunter" Storyline. SMP9 Side-arm SMG: Unlocked after completing 15% of the "Horde Killer" Storyline. Auto Shotgun Drum Mag Shotgun: Unlocked after completing 25% of the "Horde Killer" Storyline. IDF PUP Powerful Assault Rifle: Unlocked after completing 50% of the "Horde Killer" Storyline. MG 55 Unique LMG: Unlocked after completing 50% of the "Horde Killer" Storyline.