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Tip (Infinite Items Exploit) • GamerGoal

Tip • Infinite Items Exploit

By Adecool

Step 1: Place any item you have lots of in the storage, for me it's lockpicks and I have x537. They are easy to make, so you can use these too if you need an item for this.

Step 2: Press O + X (PS4) / A + B (Xbox One) at the same time while highlighting the item you placed in the storage.

Step 3: You will get booted out of the storage menu, but the 'Retrieve Item' will stay on the screen for a few seconds.

Step 4: Once it has gone, open the storage again. The 'Retrieve Item' will still be on the screen. You can move down your backpack though while this screen is up.

Step 5: Find the item you want to use the glitch on and then just press ? (PS4) / Y (Xbox One) on it. It will duplicate however many of the item you placed in there initially. So for me, I have x537 relief packages from those lockpicks. This equates to hundreds and thousands of survivor XP when you turn it in.