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Tip (Early Power-Levelling) • GamerGoal

Tip • Early Power-Levelling

By Adecool

For all your power leveler's out there...

When the beginning scene is finished you'll follow an Imperial to a small fort where you can continue to follow the Imperial or a Stormcloak (you can follow either for this to work).

Whom ever you chose to follow will give you a small tutorial of the game as you escape the turmoil created in the beginning scene. As you go through the tutorial you will come to an underground cave where you'll be taught how to perform sneak attacks.

At this point you'll be asked to either sneak attack a bear or sneak past it.

Instead of doing either of these you can enter sneak mode and go behind which ever NPC is giving you the tutorial and attack him over and over again with no consequence since he will not retaliate or die. You can use this to level up your one-handed, sneak, two-handed, and destruction skills.

I'ts better to get them into a corner because when you hit him he will be pushed forward. This is very useful if your willing to put the time into it.