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Days Gone Review by Adecool • GamerGoal

Days Gone Review

By Adecool on June 23, 2019 02:00 pm

I had a lot of high hopes for Days Gone after seeing its awesome E3 presentation in 2016, but unfortunately it ended up being a very dry and forgettable experience that falls short of everything it promised.

I really wanted a gripping story in a dark, dangerous world with epic hordes of zombies lurking around every corner and that just wasn’t here. The story is trash and the main character is the most boring character I've ever played as. His voice acting is nothing short of infuriating and he just comes across as far too autistic and melancholy for someone who's in a goddamn biker gang.

The missions are boring as hell and it never feels like there is a strong narrative that is building towards anything big. Looting and shooting however, does feel a lot better than RDR2 and the crafting mechanics are also very quick and simple unlike the convoluted mess in RDR2. But the experiences you have in the open world of Days Gone is trash compared to RDR2.

The hordes are nothing like how they are advertised in the E3 presentation. Instead of roaming around a large area, they are simply clustered up into very small spaces that are usually hidden somewhere inside an abandoned building or a cave, it looks very gross and cheaply designed, often times you will see them rapidly spawn one by one into their clusters and in some cases the entire cluster will spawn on top of you and kill you instantly. Fighting these hordes is also nothing special. Since your character can't sprint for more than 10 seconds, the hordes are programmed to always run a little bit slower than the main character at all times, which makes every horde encounter a boring process of running, turning around to shoot for 2 seconds, running, turning around, rinse and repeat.

Ultimately, Days Gone was a waste of money in my opinion and I should have taken the fact that this was the first AAA game ever developed by the studio as a warning sign.