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Easter Egg (DRM) • GamerGoal

Easter Egg • DRM

In the secondary quest on Skellege "The Tower Outta Nowheres," you are tasked with exploring a tower that literally appeared out of nowhere. When you enter the tower, you go through a portal and are trapped. A mage tasks you with finding a book that can shut down the security, known as, the Defensive Regulatory Magicon, or DRM for short, and free you both. The book that the mage has you find is called Gottfried's Omni-opening Grimoire, or GOG for short. When you find the book the icon in the menu for the book shows the letters GOG COM on the cover and when you read it, you get a funny anecdote about how GOG can deactivate or bypass DRM.


The Chicken is Mine!

By Adecool

This piece of errant graffiti can be found on the Miramar map, north of La Bendita. Players looking for it should make for Minas Generales, and look around the walls of the settlement's buildings. There, they may spot the words, 'El Pollo Es Mio,' daubed upon a wall. Matching with the map's Spanish names, the Spanish words translate to; 'The Chicken is Mine'. (A clear reference to the 'Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner' phrase seen by players who win a game.)


By Adecool

Command console: jokePlease Gives you a joke in the code console prompt.

Mortal Kombat movie reference

By Xadeon123

Go to Goro's Lair, and have at found at least two Skeleton Keys. Skeleton Keys are sometimes found in chests ranging from 5,000 to 7,000 Koins. Once you reach Goro's Dining Hall, head up past the main table up to the left and use the first Skeleton Key on the door to enter the Hall of Suffering and dodge the blade traps down two corridors. Once you make it past the second set of traps, look for a small locked cell that appears to be empty. If you use your Blindfold after opening the cell with the second Skeleton Key, you will find that it has a weak wall leading to a small cave. Inside this cave you can see the outline of a almost invisible statue of a strange beast. This statue is a reference to one seen in the 1995 Mortal Kombat movie.


By Insta

You should shoot all the heads off these mannequins within 90 seconds. Head to that big TV screen in the middle of the map and play some old-school Atari 2600 Activision games.