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Easter Egg (Note at Minas del Sur) • GamerGoal

Easter Egg • Note at Minas del Sur

By Adecool

Travel south from Valle del Mar to an island. There players will find the hill known as Minas del Sur, and it is at its top that this Easter egg can be found. All it consist of is a traffic cone, with a note attached which reads; 'I Hate School'.


Joy pager lines

By Blinkix

As playing joy, some of her pager lines may reference Nintendo items or the gaming community as a whole. This is due to the fact that Joy was origninally a timed exclusive Hiester for the Nintendo Switch version of payday2


By Adecool

Grants access to the Wyrmius, a side-scrolling bullet-hell minigame. Accessed by entering 'Wyrmius' as your log in email from the login screen. Alternatively, go to your customization settings for your Wyrm or Wyrm Prime Sentinel and select loadout W.

Rebecca Chambers Picture

By Insta

In the Sewers, use the T-Bar Handle to open the door to the Worker’s Lift in the Lower Waterway, and inside you’ll find a lift going up to the Workroom on the upper floor with Film Roll: Hiding Places. Develop this film in the Dark Room to reveal two hidden locations. The top photo is a tough one - but there is one isolated desk in an office with a flag - the S.T.A.R.S. Office. Take the path through the Library to get to the office, and inspect the solitary office desk to find a Wooden Box, which you can inspect to find an upgrade to your weapon. There’s also something else that’s easily missed tucked in the back of the drawer - look again to find another Roll Film: Rising Rookie hidden at the back of the drawer. You can develop this back at the Dark Room to get the Rising Rookie photo File, a picture of Rebecca Chambers from the first Resident Evil game.

Llama's Enabled

By Adecool

Command console: enableLlamas [on,off] Gives a message that says, 'Llamas enabled.'